US and THEM Exhibition
US and THEM Exhibition
WHEN FROM 01.10.2021 19:00 TO 07.11.2021 19:00
Exhibition US and THEM
- When: 01.10. – 07.11.2021
- Where: Kapana Gallery / Plovdiv
- Curators: Nathalie Hoyos and Rainald Schumacher
In everyday language, as in everyday life, a distinction is quickly made between 'us' here and 'them' there. US and THEM are perhaps those artists, who live in one of the art metropolises of the art world, and those, who live and work in Bulgaria on the so-called periphery. Perhaps these are also those, who work in neighbouring countries.
The exhibition questions such subdivisions. It shows works that can be located via the individual biographies, but which address generally important topics in their subject matter. Boundaries that determine who the one and who the other are, lose their clear contours.
US and THEM develops a long-term sustainable strategy for the presentation and presence of contemporary fine art in the city of Plovdiv. The project embraces the development and the implementation of an international exhibition in Plovdiv, engaging institutions, curators and artists outside the country, with their works placed in a dialogue with the works of artists working in Bulgaria and in Plovdiv.
The presented artistic positions reflect questions of existence, being part of a community. They are characterized by diversity, variety and accepted contradictions. Contemporary art is a unique opportunity to see through a different prism the world, society and our own existence. Contemporary art is a tool to understand, reflect and appreciate the complexity of today's reality.
Circle of Friends For Bulgarian Art supports the development of the project idea and is implemented also by Office for Art, Berlin in collaboration with Open Arts Foundation and with the support of IFA Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen.
A project of Office for Art, Berlin part of the Legacy programme of Plovdiv 2019. In the official programme in the title year, the partnership with Office for Art presented for the first time in Bulgaria the Deutsche Telekom’s prestigious collection of contemporary art LISTEN TO US – ARTISTIC INTELLIGENCE (WORKS FROM ART COLLECTION TELEKOM)
Message, published on 21.10.2021 at
"You have the opportunity _not_ to miss the exhibition 'US&THEM' - it stays until November 7, 2021 in the Kapana Gallery (29 Rayko Daskalov Str.)!
N.B .: The access to the gallery is through a vaccination passport or an official document for recovery/ for testing."
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