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International Photography Meetings 2020 PAYSAGE

16/10/2020 - 31/10/2020
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International photography meetings
16 - 31 October 2020
Exhibitions from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Poland and Turkey

Municipality of Plovdiv and
Plovdiv Photographic Center
invite you to the opening of
International photography meetings

October 16, 2020
"Lapidarium" Ancient Plovdiv

17:30 - 18:30 h.
Concert of Plovdiv Brass Band

Conductor Nikolay Geshev

18:00 h.
Official opening

Eugenia Maximova, Austria "Silent River"
Emil Rashkovski, "Terra-Deformation"
Seçkin Tercan, Turkey "Teriantrop"
Herman Van Den Boom, Belgium "Neighbours"
Balabanova house, Old Plovdiv

Zlatko Latev, "AHRIDA - Feeling of autumn"
Iliyan Vachurov, “Pays - Sages”
Hindlian House, Old Plovdiv

"Sputnik photos", Poland
"Lost Territories - New End"
Andrey Balko, Jan Brikczynski, Andrey Liankevich, Michal Luczak, Ralaf Milach, Agnieszka Rayss, Adam Panczuk
City Gallery of Fine Arts - exhibition "Mexican Art Collection", Old Town

"Unreveal", Great Britain
Chloe Dewe Mathews, Phoebe Kiely, Jack Latham, Guy Martin, Julia Parks, Aaron Schuman, Stanley Wolukau - Wanambwa
Curators: Vanessa Winship and George Georgiou
City Gallery of Fine Arts - Kapana Gallery - I floor

Krasimir Andonov "Retired Birds"
City Gallery of Fine Arts - Kapana Gallery - II floor

Mihail Novakov, Bulgaria
"Boring Landscapes"
Coffee & Gallery Cu29
Kapana creative district


Should we talk about the invention or discovery of the landscape? The first presupposes a search for the unknown, while the second presupposes the existence of the thing.
The landscape is a "polysystem", a complex network of elements connected to each other. The Landscape is at the same time a physical, real and functional product, visible and invisible, perceived and experienced by the individual, a mediator between cultural models, an intellectual idea or mental landscape, a social product of collective memory and imagination.
We are witnessing the end of this, says Nasim Daginyan, /author of academic texts on the landscape/, which we can call, by analogy with the "demographic transition", - the "landscape transition". We were a society of real physical nature and environment with little objectification. The transition began with the emergence of the subject outside the environment, which created a "landscape society". This led to such transformations of the old environment that aesthetic schemes of perception became unnecessary. The landscape went into crisis, the environment became unsightly or incomprehensible
The present may be characterized primarily as a time of removing borders, that is, of everything that divides "inside and outside", "interior and exterior; city / province, mind / body, nature / art. The restriction became an interface between two environments, and where before there was a restriction, there was a transition.The great differences and great laws that structured man's relationship to the world to nature destabilized. A series of uncertainties arose about the content of perception and the naming of realities.
The elimination of distance, or rather the development of the topic of "distance - speed", the instantaneity of the broadcasts caused a loss of sense of belonging to a place, confused the scale of the magnitude.
Landscapes, more and more often empty, without a person, without one's own identity, without a past, they are no longer - PLACES where one only passes. Photographic images have thus become "deterritorialisation", the alienation of the modern subject, they have become foreign spaces through which we pass, our status as consumers or lonely travelers is now increasingly passing through contractual relations with society.
Landscapes have become so familiar to us that we are used to believing "naturally" and that their beauty goes without words. But photographers must remind us of that first truth: that nature and the world around us are not in themselves a landscape, and that in order to become one, all the mediation of the art of photography is necessary.

The festival is part of the Cultural Calendar of the Municipality of Plovdiv for 2020.

For more information:

  • Organizer
  • Plovdiv Photographic Center Foundation
  • Phone
  • Email
  • [email protected]

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