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Author's performance of Kamen Donev "Lecture № 2 on universal education"

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"Lecture № 2 on universal education"
Author's performance by Kamen Donev

30 June 2020, 21:00 h. (9:00 pm)
Ancient Theater, 2a, Tsar Ivaylo Str.
Tickets: Ticket office at the theater and online on

The second lecture, built analogously to the previous performance, with the same didactic character and absolute impossibility to retell, the production is a two-hour, we would say polyspectacle, because Donev is not alone, although most of the time he is physically alone on stage. His fleeting words and inimitable patter of total madness and wisdom of life appear here; there is as if his bottomless breath, thanks to which he uses every part of the stage, dancing English waltz, Georgian dance, disco, swing, and then sings an aria from Rigoletto. Here his whole arsenal of laughter and lessons, flexibility of mind, talent and physical potential reveal in front of you.

"How can we love God, Father?"
- By loving people.
- And how to love people?
"Trying to get them on the right track."
"Which is the right way, Father?"
"Steep, child, steep!"
 "Captain Michalis" by Nikos Kazantzakis
The show is not suitable for people under 14 years.
For more information:

  • Organizer
  • Plovdiv Drama Theatre
  • Phone
  • +359 32 271 271 - Theatre Ticket Office
  • Email
  • [email protected]

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