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Puldin Etno Fest - cancelled

02/06/2020 - 03/06/2020
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Due to Order № RD-01-272 / 20.05.2020 of the Minister of Health, regarding the introduction of temporary anti-epidemic measures on the territory of Republic of Bulgaria, as of May 20, 2020 to June 14, 2020, the holding of mass cultural and entertainment events indoors (theaters, concerts, stage events, etc.), with the exception of visits to museums, galleries, libraries and cinemas. Events that are not prohibited are held when the seats are occupied up to 30% of their total capacity.
More information can be found here:

"Puldin Ethno - Festival of ethnic culture" 

2 and 3 June 2020
Ancient Theatre, 2 Tsar Ivaylo St. A    

The festival program will be published later!

The event is implemented with the financial support of the Municipality of Plovdiv and is part of the Municipality's 2020 Calendar of Cultural Events.

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