The Flies
The Flies
Ancient Theatre
Using the ancient Greek myth of Electra as a foundation, Sartre is able to skillfully direct our attention to themes important to the well-being of individuals and society. Sartre argues that "man is condemned to be free." No one has power over us until we choose to give him that power. Freedom is a gift, but it is also a burden; it is a responsibility.
"Flies" (like the basic idea of existentialism) is meant to convey to people that the power of kings and gods is based only on the fact that people don't know they are actually free. Free to make their own decisions, to go their own way instead of blaming everything on some authority and thus passing the buck.
This is much more than a play - Sartre called for resistance.
Tickets can be purchased from the MaskArt Ticket Office at the Boris Hristov House of Culture and
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