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National Dog Shows Plovdiv

05/11/2022 - 06/11/2022
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National Dog Shows Plovdiv
5 and 6 November
Kolodrum, Plovdiv

A great celebration for dog friends will take place in Plovdiv on 05 and 06 November. Two national cynology shows and an exhibition of dozens of companies from the industry will fill Kolodrum with people and dogs from all over Bulgaria.

The four-legged participants will be judged by respected international judges - Zlatko Djokic - Serbia and Trevor Hiscock - South Africa. The organizers from the "Bulgarian Cynology Club" promise a rich prize fund, raffle and lots of fun for all attendees.

The youngest handlers will compete in the "Child with Dog" competitions, divided into three ages. To end each of the days of competitions - there will be a glamorous "Best in Show" - choosing the most beautiful dog of the day among the winners by breed. And at the finale, after 3pm on 06.11 the champion will be judged - "Supreme Best in Show".

Both professionals and amateurs are invited - with or without a dog. Parents will be able to meet their children with the finest representatives of the breeds in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. And pet owners can explore the show and learn about the latest in nutrition, breeding and grooming in Bulgaria.

More information about the event and entry form can be found on the website of the organizers "Bulgarian Kennel Club"

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