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Rock Break Project

19/05/2022 - 30/06/2022
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"Rock Break"
Ecoplex cinema
May 19 - June 30

The project "Rock Break" is new in the Cultural Calendar of Plovdiv. It is held in the cinema "Ecoplex" with the participation of students from high schools in the city under the hills. Its goal is to develop and promote music culture and to encourage young people to get to know and love Bulgarian rock music. That is why the project includes events in which famous and beloved Bulgarian performers present their music and tell about the way of its creation, recorded in cinema format for broadcast on the big screen.

 The idea of the project is to make young people develop their musical talents and to encourage their desire to engage in music and musical forms.

The project of "Panorama -3000" Ltd. is funded by the Municipality of Plovdiv and is part of the Cultural Calendar of the city for 2022.

The first event of the program, which launched the project, took place on May 19th. It was attended by students from the National Trade High School in Plovdiv, who were presented a musical film about the work of rock - group "Factor". From the start of the project, the interest of the students was great, the hall was full, and the big surprise was that the front man and manager of the band Veselin Todorov - bass, guitar, vocals, composer, opened the event.

"Rock Break" continues until June 30 in the cinema "Ecoplex" Plovdiv.

On Monday, May 23, two more screenings will be broadcast at 9.00 am and 11.00 am. The students from “St. Sofroniy Vrachanski ”, popularly known as the“ 60th grade school ”in the region of Thrace. Due to the large number of students, there will be two screenings.

The fourth event of the project "Rock Break" will be held on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, again in the cinema "Ecoplex". For this reason, "Rock Break" includes events in which famous and beloved Bulgarian artists present their music and tell about the way of its creation, recorded in film format for broadcast on the big screen. The idea is to provoke young people to develop their musical talents and to encourage their desire to engage in music and musical forms.

The program starts on June 22 at 9.50 am with three songs recorded by Zipo and Slash - famous rappers, popular among young audiences. Following is a screening of the musical film "Against the Time" for the group "Factor". Students from the French Language High School "Antoine de Saint Exupery" - Plovdiv and "Antim I" Primary School will be present, as well as their parents.

The meeting with the producer and leader of the group "Factor" Veselin Todorov, who will present his new book dedicated to rock, starts at 11.30. Everyone present will receive it as a gift, along with an autograph from the author. At 12.00 is the beginning of the meeting with the young talents Zipo and Slash, who will talk to the students and tell about their plans and work.

 At 12.30 is the end of the event, students can get autographs and take pictures as a souvenir with the performers.

The project "Rock Break" is aimed only at students from high schools in Plovdiv and therefore there is no free access for citizens.

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