Hjalti Karlsson and Jan Wilker launched their own design studio in New York in 2000. They hail from Iceland and Germany, respectively, and as for their work – it is true inspiration to many designers across the globe. Their signature is color, experiment and the desire to offer a new experience to the viewer or user of the product. Their clients list is impressive – from Nintendo to Warner Bros, Puma and Mini Cooper, to Time Magazine, for which they did a cover featuring a tiny picture of their own characters and a caption saying “This cover was made by these guys”. They are also the guys behind the visual identity of New York's Museum of the Moving Image – a project they worked on for three years. The design world applauds their curiosity towards novel approaches and their bold and visually stunning design solutions. They come to One Design Week with a poster exhibition which presents their work so far. On the spot they will throw in a few more site-specific posters inspired by Bulgaria.
Supported by the U.S. Embassy in Bulgaria
Kino Kosmos / 48 Gladston St
27 -28 June 11:00 am - 7:00 pm (Mn - Sn)
Special event:
26 June 19:00
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