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Rakodelnitsata (The Handcrafter's) is an atelier for handcrafted gifts and accessories in Plovdiv.  They will run three workshops in which kids will work with fabric, needles and threads: textile appliqué, wet felting with wool, water and soap, and dry felting in which needles are used to create three-dimensional figures. The workshop will be led by Yana Tsvetkashka, Diana Boykova and Atanas Tsvetkashki.  

They will introduce kids to the secrets of some old textile techniques. In the appliqué workshop for instance they will use precut pieces of cloth to make patchwork book covers, bags, bed throws and other useful items.   

In the wet felting workshop the young handcrafters will "paint" with wool. Using wool, water and soap, they will design wall decoration. Diana Boykova says she made her first attempts at wet felting with Ukrainian craftswomen. 

In the dry felting workshop a monster will be made of wool and needles. The kids will model a three-dimensional figure and will decorate it to create a true fairy tale character. Dry felting is a technique in which the fibers are shaped and modeled using your hands and special needles. It is recommended that participants be at least 10 years old. 

Ttextile appliqué, 27 June, 11.30 ─ 13.00

Number of participants: 6

Registration at: [email protected]

  • Organizer
  • Edno Magazine
  • Phone
  • 02 988 1009
  • Email
  • [email protected]
  • Тime of event
  • 11.30 ─ 13.00

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