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Art for a Green Future

03/09/2024 - 07/09/2024
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"Art for a Green Future" is a project that tells stories in a positive way, in the context of ecology, with the means of visual art.

– The first location is Bratska Mogila, where the installation "Light" by Ivan Ivanov will be presented. With his work, the artist aims to illuminate, emphasize and socialize places in the urban environment that are of cultural and historical significance. The opening will take place on September 3, 2024 at 8:30 p.m.
- The second location of the project is the newly built park on "Peshtersko Shosse" Street (former Garrison Oven), a large-scale installation and video mapping by Emil Mirazchiev. The ecologically themed video "Worlds" is projected on a specially built igloo-type structure. You will be able to see the so-called video mapping outside and inside, and immerse yourself in different natural worlds and their relaxing atmosphere. The opening will take place on September 3, 2024 at 9:30 p.m. Screenings will take place from September 3-7 from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. On September 7 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. a children's workshop was held, led by the artist Nadia Genova. Children will be given drawing materials.

The project is implemented with the financial support of the Plovdiv 2019 Municipal Foundation.

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  • Art Today Association
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  • [email protected]

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